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Showing posts from December, 2016

Look Directly

Look directly! What is this? Look in this  manner, And you  won't be fooled! Bassui

Let the Watcher Awake

"Keep a constant watch on the activities of mind . Stab it with the the dagger of knowledge, whenever it tries to go astray. If the watchman is awake then the thief can do no mischief ".

Your Old Cup Plate

The cup plate you have had long back, are not clean and shining as early, each and everything decays. Contemplate this truth clearly.

The Universe and I are “One”

The Universe and I are “One”, In the “now”, always. The lived moment leaves, The free mind is empty. Neither past, nor future; They cease moving arbitrarily. The Aliveness of Life, in this moment, Creates no reactions in me. I see, listen and live authentically, I become whole through Love; In this state, The whole being is pure. Boundless happiness Without images; It is encountered in fact In absolute silence.    ~ Namo Buddhaya ~

If Someone Doesn’t Accept Your Gift, To Whom Does The Gift Belong?

If someone compliments you, that doesn’t make you a better person, it makes them a better person because they're taking the time to be supportive and encouraging. Your value remains unchanged, because it's something that comes from within.   If someone criticizes you, it doesn't make you down until your emotions get touched by those words or action. If it's affecting go deep and observe to Whom it hurts and Why? When you go deeply you will know EGO which got hurt will get separation from your true identity which is really unaffected.   You will able to see the who gets hurt and who is really untouched. And the one who gets hurt will not dominate the true self. And this will become a meditation which will make you realize that how you are separate from the false identity which you carry and react at once.   If someone gives you something and you don't accept it then how it can come to you. A very beautiful story of Buddha's lif...